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41427m2 Industrial Land for sale Hammarsdale

Ref # 2121410
Property Details

The subject property is set towards the end of Buckman Boulevard just off the MR385 entering the township of Hammarsdale. This area is a partially developed industrial location, which is situated south-east of the central business district of Hammarsdale. The property overlooks the more established industrial node of Hammarsdale. Adjacent to the subject property is large newly developed industrial warehouse.

Hammarsdale is easily accessible from the N3 Freeway linking Durban and Pietermaritzburg and is presently marketed as a growth point between the two cities. The subject property is situated approximately 6 kilometres from the N3 Freeway, just east of the MR385. Limited exposure to arterial routes is offered, but easy access to the N3 freeway interchange is available.

The increased demand for industrial property within Pietermaritzburg and Durban has resulted in industrial type property interspersed among these outlying areas. The area has seen a fair level of demand and has experienced fair capital growth over the past few years.

The general neighborhood comprises large, industrial warehousing for manufacturing type uses. Hammarsdale is well located adjacent to the blue collar formal and informal housing areas of Mpumalanga, Georgedale and Cliffdale. Modern amenities are somewhat limited in the immediate area, although there are some service retail businesses in the Hammarsdale central business district.

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Discover Hammarsdale: The Industrial Beacon of KwaZulu-Natal's Inland
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