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Auctions Information

Why Auction?

Sold As Is (Voetstoots)
Bids Cannot Be Retracted
Buyer Pays Commission
No Ceiling Price
Defined Timelines & Deadlines
Direct Market-related Price
Extensive Marketing Efforts & Reach
Seller Protected by The Reserve
Equal Opportunity For All Bidders
Prequalified Buyers
A Transparent Process
No Marketing Fees
Types of Auction at Swindon
Onsite & Online Auction
Online and Onsite auctions, also known as Simulcast/ Hybrid auctions, blend inperson bidding with real-time online participation. Our experienced in-house auctioneer directs the bidding process, actively engaging with participants both in the room and online, to drive competitive bidding and achieve the best possible outcome.
  • Our national and international bidders have the opportunity to bid simultaneously.
  • The event is run solely around your asset, ensuring full focus from our Auction division.
Onsite Auction
Onsite auctions provide a traditional in-person bidding experience where participants gather at the auction location. Bidders have the opportunity to place their offers directly in the room, with our in-house auctioneer facilitating the process.
  • Creates a transparent, competitive bidding environment, potentially exceeding market expectations.
  • Offers a time-defined, accelerated sales process with certainty of outcome for the seller.
  • Buyers are typically required to purchase unconditionally, reducing transactional risk.
Ballroom Auction
In this setting, multiple properties are sold in a single event, managed by our skilled auctioneer from a central location. Online bidding is integrated, allowing participants to join remotely, further broadening the pool of potential buyers and increasing competition.
  • Creates a dynamic, competitive atmosphere that can drive up prices as bidders respond to the excitement of the event.
  • Quick and definitive sales process.
Auction Steps

Swindon Property auction image
Contact our auctions team.
Meeting & Proposal
Meet with our auctioneer for appraisal and auction strategy.
Sign the auction mandate, outlining the terms and conditions.
Set Auction Date
Choose a strategic date based on market factors.
Start a tailored campaign to attract buyers.
Schedule asset viewings to generate buyer competition.
Auction Day
Execute the auction (onsite, online etc..) for optimal results.
Present bids and provide a detailed auction summary
Recent deals
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